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Category: Uncategorized

How To Prepare Your Business For Summer Interns

Many businesses offer college students the opportunity to hold a summer intern position. These can be rewarding for the college student as well as provide some help to the business. Offering paid or non-paid internships can create risk for your business. We wanted to highlight some of the business risks associated with having interns. Before you bring that person on board, make sure your business...

Cyber Liability Continues To Be An Emerging Risk

  Cyber Liability continues to be a major issue for businesses in 2018. In today’s data-driven social media world, businesses of all sizes have had a cyber-attack or data breach. Statistics show 39% of all cyber incidents affect businesses with fewer than 100 employees. With the recent breaches in the financial and hospital industries, many businesses are considering cyber insurance. Emerging Cyber Trends With more...

Planning a Safe Family Vacation

We all want our family vacations to go perfectly, but even with the best intentions, things can happen.  Ticket mishaps, delays, schedule changes, auto accidents, and more can cause your vacation to be ruined. Your personal insurance program can be expanded to include travel and accident insurance. Call our office for a free review. Vacation Pre-Planning A little work in advance can help reduce the...

Do Business Owners Need Workers Compensation Coverage?

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Almost every business needs, and is required to have, workers’ compensation (WC) insurance. Most states (with a few important exceptions) essentially require employers to purchase a workers’ compensation insurance policy to handle their statutory obligations to workers who are injured or made ill due to a workplace exposure. We often have this question come up; should the company owners be included under...

Does Santa Claus Need insurance?

Imagine that your entire business was focused on just one day out of the whole year?  You have to spend 364 days preparing for one single product distribution.  Do you think there might be just a little bit of stress—say around December 20?  If we attempted to present Santa with a business insurance proposal, he might say, “Who would sue Santa?”  If Santa were concerned...