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Tag: Contractors Professional

Is My Business Covered?

Is My Business Covered?

  According to the latest surveys by major insurers, small to medium sized businesses have a number of critical gaps in their insurance coverage. The reasons for gaps vary; not fully understanding how certain coverage applies to their business, buying insurance from a captive agent who can’t provide the coverage, thinking their commercial coverage provides the coverage, and finally believing they don’t have the risk....

How Insurance Agents Facilitate Your Journey to Secure Commercial Insurance

How Insurance Agents Facilitate Your Journey to Secure Commercial Insurance

Navigating the complex world of commercial insurance can be a daunting task for business owners. The intricate nature of coverage options, policy terms, and legal requirements demands a comprehensive understanding that may not be readily available to all. This is where insurance agents play a vital role. With their expertise, experience, and personalized guidance, insurance agents are your partners in securing the right commercial insurance...

Why Partnering With An Insurance Agent Helps Your Business

Why Partnering With An Insurance Agent Helps Your Business

If you're a business owner, you're probably well aware of the importance of insurance to protect your assets, employees, and customers. However, choosing the right insurance policies and finding the best deals can be a time-consuming and complex process. That's where partnering with an insurance broker can be advantageous. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of working with an insurance agent or broker for...

Security Breaches Top Concern For Many Business Owners

Security Breaches Top Concern For Many Business Owners

Over the last several years, cyber liability coverage has evolved from just insurance for information technology companies to coverage that nearly every kind of business should have if they don't already. From retailers, banks, contractors, distributors, restaurants and medical offices, many businesses are unaware of the great cyber liability exposure they face. Recent state laws require companies that have experienced a cyber liability breach to...

Directors & Officers Ridk

Directors & Officers Ridk

Directors' and officers' liability insurance helps protect the assets of the firm, owners, executives, and managers if individuals, competitors, third parties, or government regulators make claims. A lawsuit against directors and officers most commonly occurs when shareholders (private or public), clients, competitors, or others feel they suffered a loss in the value of their shares because of actions that the board or senior management took...