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Archives: October 2014

Tips For A Safe & Happy Halloween

Tips For A Safe & Happy Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner! While you may be planning decorations, preparing for trick-or-treaters, or organizing Halloween-themed activities, it is also important to take certain precautions to keep you and your family safe so everyone will be able to fully enjoy the evening. Check out these simple steps to a safe and fun Halloween: Costumes can be scary and designed to frighten, but be...

Having A Home Security System Helps Lower Homeowners Premiums

Homeowner’s Premiums Prior to finding you the best quote for home insurance, we always ask about smoke detectors and security systems in your home. Many insurance companies offer discounts for those homeowners who have security systems. Our mission is to be Partners with our clients. We want to be their trusted Risk Management and Insurance Consultant; not just a better vendor. Here are few of the...

Common Mistakes Made When Purchasing Insurance

There are a number of common mistakes some individuals and businesses make when it comes to purchasing insurance. Insurance is the product you buy in case the unexpected happens. Unfortunately, by the time you need it, it's too late to make sure you have the right type and amount of insurance coverage. Make sure you don't make the following mistakes while buying business insurance or...