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Archives: January 2020

Do Devices Like Amazon’s Echo and Alexa Create Personal Liability?

Do Devices Like Amazon’s Echo and Alexa Create Personal Liability?

  A personal Insurance Update More consumers are buying smart devices that tie in their smart phones and other home technology to the internet.  The most current devices allow you to have direct access to the internet from anywhere in your home.  By saying a key phrase, which Amazon calls a “wake word,” the Echo comes to life and begins listening for commands.  By default,...

Is Graded Death Benefit Life Insurance Worth The Cost?

Is Graded Death Benefit Life Insurance Worth The Cost?

Graded death benefit insurance has important advantages for certain people. It may be worth the cost if you want the protection of permanent life insurance coverage, but may not qualify for another permanent life insurance plan because of health issues. What Is Graded Death Benefit Insurance? Graded death benefit insurance is permanent, as opposed to term life insurance. What makes it different from standard permanent...

How Garage Insurance Can Protect Your Mechanic Business

How Garage Insurance Can Protect Your Mechanic Business

Garage insurance is designed to protect garage owners against different types of liability. Any business that involves working on or around vehicles needs this type of insurance, particularly a mechanic business. Our knowledgeable agent can advise you on the garage insurance your mechanic business needs and help you find the best available rates. What Is Garage Insurance? Garage insurance is specialized general liability insurance for...

How Is Condo Insurance Different From Homeowners Insurance?

How Is Condo Insurance Different From Homeowners Insurance?

Whether the space you live in is a condo or a house, if you own your own home, you need insurance. Property owners are responsible not only for what happens to their property, but also for what happens to visitors on the premises. However, a condo is not the same type of structure as a house, and there are key differences between homeowners insurance and...

A New Year… Let’s Get Your Insurance Right

A New Year… Let’s Get Your Insurance Right

A New Year… Let’s Get Your Insurance Right As we move into a new year, I hope that every insurance agent and insurance buyer thinks about how they view their relationships.  Let us get away from the clever insurance advertisement’s attempts to bring our products and services down to the lowest common denominator, price, and commodity.  Insurance products and services are used to build our...