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Archives: May 2021

How Agents Can Increase Client Engagement

How Agents Can Increase Client Engagement

Every agency and business has a critical component that ensures its performance. It's known as employee engagement. It can mean the difference between your employees feeling motivated to take the company to greater heights or feeling overwhelmed to the point of sabotage. It is important that all employees feel engaged in the business so that the entire team is moving toward a common goal. The...

Can a Life Insurance Beneficiary Decline?

Can a Life Insurance Beneficiary Decline?

The beneficiary of a life insurance policy may not even be aware that they were named in a policy. The owner of the policy has the right to choose whoever they want as the beneficiary, but what happens if the beneficiary does not want the insurance payout? Does he or she have the right to decline? What is a Beneficiary? A beneficiary is a person...

Beginner’s Guide to Business Owners Package (BOP) Insurance

Beginner’s Guide to Business Owners Package (BOP) Insurance

BOP (business owners package) insurance can be the ideal way to protect a small business. The bottom line is that you want the maximum possible coverage at the lowest possible rate, and BOP insurance could be your best option.  The Basics of Business Owners Package Insurance A BOP insurance policy covers all the major property and liability risks, and is typically the ideal insurance for...

Driving Safely in Heavy Traffic

Driving Safely in Heavy Traffic

Navigating your vehicle in heavy traffic is stressful – and dangerous. To avoid a collision, follow these simple tips for safer driving in heavy traffic.  Relax. You will eventually reach your destination, and being a few minutes late is better than being involved in a collision!  Drive Defensively. Other drivers may drive aggressively, weaving in and out of traffic to try to save a few...

Insurance Customers Needs Are Changing

Insurance Customers Needs Are Changing

With all the changes going on in our world, customers' needs seem to change as well. In a recent customer satisfaction survey regarding customer service, we found many interesting changes in what people what. Customer service has quickly risen to the top of the priority list for consumers, and 2021 will be no exception. But why are so many businesses putting a premium on the...