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Archives: July 2015

Top 5 Essential Insurance Plans For A New Business

Top 5 Essential Insurance Plans For A New Business

There are numerous types of insurance policies available for business owners to help protect against almost any possible situation. Here is a list of the top 5 essential business insurance plans you need to keep your new enterprise protected: General Liability Insurance This type of business insurance protects your new business from legal threats associated with accidents, injuries, or claims related to acts of negligence....

Do You Want To Insure Your Home For Less Money

How To Save On Your  Homeowner’s Insurance Homeowner’s insurance typically covers you against fire, theft and other damage to your home and personal property. Homeowner’s insurance also covers your liability in case someone gets inured on your property. Everyone likes to save money on their homeowner’s insurance. But many people assume that saving money equals less coverage.  That is not so.  Here are some simple...

How Workers’ Compensation Is Designed To Work

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Workplace accidents occur every day in. Even if your business has an excellent safety program, people get injured.  Many times people who are injured at work need time to recover. Thankfully, there is workers’ compensation insurance to cover the medical and time loss costs. If an employee is injured on the job, employers are legally liable to the employee. Workers’ compensation will...

Plan Your Wedding With Peace of Mind

Plan Your Wedding With Peace of Mind

A wedding is a major (and costly) investment. Everything must be planned down to the smallest detail, and most people spend months planning. As the big day approaches, the last thing you want to worry about is losing money due to a cancellation or postponement. Consider getting special event insurance as part of your wedding planning. Life can throw a curveball, and even the most carefully planned wedding...