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Archives: February 2021

What Type Of Life Insurance Is Right For You?

What Type Of Life Insurance Is Right For You?

Buying life insurance to protect your family’s future requires you to make some important choices, including the type of life insurance you need. If you’re a first-time life insurance shopper, chances are you may not know which option may be the right one for you. Below is a breakdown of various life insurance options to help you find the best match. Term Life Insurance Term...

Does My Spouse Need Life Insurance if He or She Doesn’t Work?

Does My Spouse Need Life Insurance if He or She Doesn’t Work?

When one spouse is the primary breadwinner, it is obvious why that person needs life insurance to protect the family. But a stay-at-home spouse needs life insurance, as well. Just because a person is not working at a paying job, that does not mean he or she lacks financial value. Consider what it would cost to pay another person for the services a stay-at-home spouse...

Do I Really Need Cyber Liability Insurance?

Do I Really Need Cyber Liability Insurance?

Cybercrime has become a common occurrence. A data breach can have a tremendous impact on the health and finances of a business. If your company’s data was stolen in a cyber incursion, it can damage its reputation, expose it to liability, and interrupt business operations. Cyber liability insurance allows you to transfer some of that risk to an insurance company.  What Are the Cyber Risks...

How to Prepare Your Car for Spring

How to Prepare Your Car for Spring

Spring is upon us, and the time is here to get your car ready for warmer weather and more driving. Harsh winters can take a toll on a vehicle. Essential maintenance now can help prevent major, expensive problems from developing when your time on the road increases in the warmer months. The following tips can help save you time and money in the future. Wash...

Flood Insurance, Do You Really Need It?

Flood Insurance, Do You Really Need It?

Many homeowners decide to go without flood insurance. Some people figure the odds are low that anything will happen, while other people think that a flood is covered under their current policy. Let us correct you; unless you have added flood insurance coverage, it is excluded. We agree that the probability is low, nonetheless, it does exist. Now is the time to consider Louisiana flood...