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Archives: March 2021

Get Your Vehicle Ready For Spring

Get Your Vehicle Ready For Spring

Now is a great time to prepare your car or truck for spring and summer. Essential maintenance now can help prevent major, expensive problems from developing when your time on the road increases in the warmer months. The following tips can help save you time and money in the future. Wash and wax your vehicle Top off all fluids Check your tires Test the battery...

Beginner’s Guide to Annuities

Beginner’s Guide to Annuities

It is never too late, or too early, to start planning for retirement. Annuities are a popular option with many advantages. You can put away larger amounts of cash, and growth is tax-free until you withdraw the funds. As an investment vehicle, annuities may seem confusing at first. The following is a basic guide to annuities for beginners.  What Are Annuities? Annuities are a relatively...

Professional Liability Insurance vs. General Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance vs. General Liability Insurance

All businesses, large and small, face the risk of liability. Professional liability insurance and general liability insurance both provide protection for your business. The main difference between these two types of insurance is the different risks they cover.  What Is Professional Liability Insurance? Also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, professional liability insurance is designed to protect you in case a client files a...

How Workers’ Compensation Is Designed To Work

How Workers’ Compensation Is Designed To Work

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Workplace accidents occur every day in. Even if your business has an excellent safety program, people get injured.  Many times people who are injured at work need time to recover. Thankfully, there is workers’ compensation insurance to cover the medical and time loss costs. If an employee is injured on the job, employers are legally liable to the employee. Workers’ compensation will...

Are You In The Market For Employment Practice Liability Coverage?

Are You In The Market For Employment Practice Liability Coverage?

A Business and Risk Update The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) just released the latest numbers relating to employment claims, and they remind us of the need for employment practices liability insurance. Retaliation was the most frequently filed charge with the EEOC in 2018, followed by race and disability. Sexual harassment charges with the EEOC increased by 13.6%, based on preliminary 2018 results. Monetary awards...